forum > Photography

Working with a model

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Hmm something tells me not to discuss this any further here.


--- Цитата: DNF-Style от Декабря 04, 2007, 09:56:16 am ---Hmm something tells me not to discuss this any further here.

--- Конец цитаты ---

No problem to have different opinions here. I agree, keep your hands away from the model, this might change when you have become friends over time, but in the beginning, give the model - and yourself! space. Very important also: Give the model the possibility to bring somebody to the shoot she trusts and keep this somebody busy helping. On one of the few model shoots I did, I had also the husband of the model present and he was an absolute treasure in chatting to her (I am not very good in concentrating on shooting and chatting to the model at the same time) and after a short introduction developed also to a brilliant "reflector holder". Win-win for everybody. So in the end, everybody's experience is and will be always different, SY

i think everybody has different experiences about this subject,
and main reason for this differences is every model and every concept is different,
there some things that might effect this model relation thing imo,
- concept of the shot, (business, fitness, or nude?)
- model's identity, (male, female, married, experienced or not)
- model's profession, (is she/he a friend, is model a pro, is model someone who find the photographer and never had a shooting before)

in my experiences, whatever the concept is, if the model is a female, bringing his husband or boyfriend is not a good idea, neither the model, nor the photographer would be free at the shooting,
but in location shootings with more than 1 model, bringing someone who is experienced in photo shootings can save your life if the others are not experienced,

khz, BINGO.

there's no universal recipe and will never be. what's good for me and you would be pain for Sybille and opposite.

please post sample pics of your work here.




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