forum > Photography

Working with a model

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--- Цитата: realdealphoto от Декабря 26, 2007, 09:56:28 pm ---For me the No Touch without permission is first and foremost simply about respect.

Lev I would never presume that you would be agreeable to my touching you in the course of a normal conversation or even in the course of a photoshoot.

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sure i would. believe me i would. i guess where i live it's a major difference. it's absoluthely ok here to be touched by professional working with you. doctor, hairdresser, fitness instructor, make-up artist, photographer, trainer, lector, teacher.

indeed, the things you say sound so strange for me. like "you should never look at woman in vail". thanks for warning me. once i'll find myself shooting anybody in States, i'll be awared. still sounds so very strange for me. i never work with anybody i don't have a major trust relationships with, so touch is really nothing. first thing i do when i meet new model is a handshake or hug. when model actually appears in my studio it's eather hug or friendly kiss. not the way lovers kiss, the way you kiss your daughter. we are together in studio to make an art. touch is a natural part of communication.

still i see i'm the only weirdo with such an attitude here, so again my advice to anybody - please don't try it my way. and please don't ever try it when any employment involved.


--- Цитата: dolgachov от Декабря 26, 2007, 09:59:43 pm ---Talya, how big is your experience with real models studio work?
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How does that relevant? You assume for some reason that photography is something unique with no relations to the rest of the world.  I honestly believe you know other way to discuss any subject than "shut up you do not have an experience".  ;)
I was curious  about sexual harassment crime at some point and that made me follow some cases.
Yes, I did sign a real model release with witness, as a photographer, as a model, as a witness and as a parent. More than once for each. Witness signature is the reason why I said I doubt that it will stay in court. No, you do not have to have a witness every minutes of your life but your relations with model is a business (does not matter if nobody get paid immediately). I would say anybody should better have a witness of any business done around nudity just to be safe.

1. this is relevant. one giving advices SHOULD have a good experience. one without experience can assume, but never give advices.

and Talya, where from NUDITY appeared in this discussion? we didn't discuss nudity here. nudity is something YOU just bringed in here. once we will discuss nudity i will share my experience abouth shooting nudes. we didn't discuss any nudity here.

Ah but see Lev, a handshake or a hug are all actions that the other person acknowledges and agrees to before the contact is made. You extend your hand, I accept it and we shake hands. You open your arms, I open mine and accept the hug. So you see in those situations the permission is there, even if not verbal.

With Barbers, Doctors etc. I know going in that they need to touch me and again my agreement to the contact is implied by my very presence. The touch is absolutely necessary in order for them to do their jobs. As a photographer though the same is not true. I can make a photograph without you having any reasonable expectation that I will need to touch you. That is not to say that you won't need to touch me but unless I know it going in I would not anticipate that it would be required.

With a model for me again it is more about respecting the personal space then anything else. While I do make it known to the model in advance that I may need to touch her to communicate a pose or adjust her hair or wardrobe, I still feel that for me it is appropriate to simply ask permission before touching her. For me it is a show of respect.

Like you a lot of the girls I work with while of legal age are still quite young and I don't want them to leave my studio misunderstanding anything that occurred while they were there. Unlike you I often work with models who are absolute strangers to me. Oftentimes I have only seen a few photos of her and exchanged a few emails to arrange the shoot. In most cases I do not actually meet the model until she walks through the doors of the studio so the trust factor is not already inherently in place. I have to build it from the moment I meet my model.

Don't get me wrong, I m not saying that the way you work with your models is wrong, as you have already said, you already know your model by the time she gets to the studio. For most of us though that is not the case. I as a general rule only book my shoot calendar 30 days in advance because I don't like to fill it up with TFP shoots and then have to cancel them because a paid shoot came along. Even at 30 days in advance I sometimes will have to cancel in favor of a paid assignment so I keep the scheduling as short as possible.


--- Цитата: dolgachov от Декабря 26, 2007, 10:08:48 pm ---
sure i would. believe me i would. i guess where i live it's a major difference. it's absoluthely ok here to be touched by professional working with you. doctor, hairdresser, fitness instructor, make-up artist, photographer, trainer, lector, teacher.

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I tried once to explain my first boss that I do not like him touching me. In friendly way. No use.
Lev, this is simply not true.


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