Thanks to the amazing work of our thousands of contributors, Fotolia is very pleased to announce that our 3,000,000th royalty free image is available for sale. To thank you for your great participation, we have decided to organize a contest; the winner will earn 3,000 credits.
The winner of this contest will be the Fotolia member who uploads the highest number of accepted images in 3 millions of seconds (34 days, 17 hours and 20 minutes) from the validation of the 3,000,000th image. Thus, this contest will reward the best Fotolia contributor according to our quality criteria. This contest will end the 25th of February at 5 hours and 20 minutes (French time).May the best Fotolian win, and let's push on to 4th millions images!
фотолия сделала новый конкурс. вкратце - "кто больше загрузит до 25-го февраля"