Опять зарубили за ключевые(( Вот на всякий случай текст письма, но вроде здесь только про них сказано. Может кто поскажет почему эти слова тут лишние?
We regret to inform you that we cannot accept your submission, entitled white woman (
http://www1.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/8949352/2/istockphoto_8949352-white-woman.jpg) for addition to the iStockphoto library for the following reasons:
The following keywords used for this file do not appear to be fully relevant to the subject.
{[ Lifestyles, makeup]}
The keywords used for this file do not appear to be fully relevant to the subject.
Under the new controlled vocabulary system that we now use, images need fewer keywords to do well in searches. The site handles translations and synonyms, so you do not have to.
Please provide a set of simple, descriptive, focused keywords for this image before resubmitting.
For more information on the new approach, see:
K is for ... Tags?
http://www.istockphoto.com/article_view.php?ID=227Word Power
http://www.istockphoto.com/article_view.php?ID=242**Please be sure to disambiguate your tags/keywords by selecting appropriate terms for each. Thank you.**
Once the above issue(s) with this image have been rectified, we will be happy to review it again for addition to our library. Please be sure to address ALL of the above issues prior to resubmission.
Go to:
http://www.istockphoto.com/resubmit_rejected_file.php?RejectedFileID=8949352 to resubmit.
If you need more information please visit the pages (if any) listed next to the above issue(s).
If you require further explanation regarding this rejection, please contact Scout via Support link:
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The iStockphoto Administration Team.