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Hall of Fame.

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Talya, your up  :P

We are, and I guess will always be into arty DNF-Stylish stuff.
BUT are looking in envy to the enormous sales others have while we are having very few and evrybody is convincing us we should do so much better. Like our last christams shoot we did a lot of copyspace things with a whiteboard. The kick of selling and actually earning what everyone tells us we should is very big.
Like today our collegue who sold 280 in one day at SS and ours is at 54 while uploading in small batches or big batches did not make a difference.

We will stay arty but also will do whatever needed to get our sales up, since my unemployment we do need the income.

Lev, it is hard to argue with you specially on this subject. But I believe that what you said is wishful thinking which only most talented and luckiest of us can hope to experience in live. I will write more from home (I'm at work now). Just quick remark: Not too many geniuses were recognized (and paid) while they were alive.

DNF, I did not mean "give up your style", do not get me wrong. But if I were you (Huh, I wish I had such skills) I would try in a different theme (girl with headphones is a theme, not a style).

SY, it maybe better to make a separate topic for this discussion, don't you think? If you can cut it out I would not mind  :)


--- Цитата: DNF-Style от Декабря 05, 2007, 04:53:15 pm ---We are defintally doing something wrong, our record is 54 on one day and our average lies around the amount you are planning to make in jan in one day.
Can you give us a link of your pf so we can buy some more ;-)

In my amazingness I totally forget to congratulate you with your record.

--- Конец цитаты ---
Thanks for congratulations. I do hope my bragging inspires others  :)  At least, this is how it worked for me. About a year ago, when I saw some figures by more established stockers, I was saying "wow !!", Now I'm proud to say that I achieved many milestones which made me "wow" a year ago.. I think the success on photostocks is not only about shooting great photos, or rather, a lot of potential is lost if other factors are neglected. It is a business with many obvious and less so obvious factors. Those who can master most of these factors will be the most successful in future. I'm trying hard to be one of those  :)

I just saw the photos at your site.... these are fantastic photos, you must be doing better than 54 a day. Can you share a link to your shutterstock portfolio?

P.S. your model named Mitha looks like Breatney Spears  ;D

Whoops here it is:
DNF Shutterstock Gallery

I wil start a new topic, help DNF through te winter.  ;D ;D ;D ;D
No honestly
 ::) ::) ::) ::)
No Honestly
 :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
click here


--- Цитата: dolgachov от Декабря 06, 2007, 10:37:51 am ---my girlfriend found i've got ad with my picture published in Russian ELLE, November 2007

i also have nice ad with my picture published in most recent VOGUE UK, December 2007

and loads of small things here and there

so year ends with good exposure for me and i think i can be a bit proud of the way my hobby progressing ;]
--- Конец цитаты ---
Whooohoooo congrats man, quite an achievement.
Wished Elle had booked you for an editorial but here's a start for you.
Vogue's France and USA up next?


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