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Is being a submitter and reviewer at the same time an interest conflict?

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I heard some opinions like reviewers shouldn't be submitters to avoid conflicts of interest, what is your opinion? I think it is more beneficial, I can't imagine reviewing for a site I have never submitted to, SY

PS As some of you know I review for Lucky Oliver ;-)

I raised this topic on the mailing list, and I strongly believe it does create confict of interest. I'm sure most of inspectors/submitters are honest folks, but then there are others.
On various forums, I have seen people quoting very absurd rejections. So, it is either slapdash work by inspectors, or deliberate attempt to suppress competition. Many rejections are subjective, so if inspector is in doubt, there are 100% chance your photo which may compete with inspector's bestseller will be rejected.

The best resolution of the confict, is to avoid it.

I had a spell about eighteen months ago when my illustrations were being rejected on a certain site, with the 'these are not stock' rejection. Within a few days of each rejection a VERY similar illustration was accepted on the site.
I had my suspicions, but could not prove that a reviewer was piching my ideas. I emailed the site with examples and asked if they would investigate, and the rejections stopped! They never confirmed it though, they never even replied to my email.
So, yes, there can be a conflict of interests. I strongly think that subbmitters should not also be reviewers. They should be seen to be unbiased.

Might be... just depends on the reviewer... more or less like all things in life.

I personally think that it's very difficult to review images if you are not a photographer. Also, how do you judge sellability if you are not in the industry? maybe an image buyer can review, but would they not review more on emotional connection in the image than technical quality?

Where do you think statement of " Those who can, Do. Those who can't, Teach" came from? It's the same in every industry.

A Good reviewer is very hard to find.

Also, I think if you review for somebody like SS, it's difficult to steal ideas, because you are just too busy trying to get through your queue! but maybe less so on the smaller sites... dunno


--- Цитата: Forgiss от Ноября 29, 2007, 12:20:50 pm ---Also, I think if you review for somebody like SS, it's difficult to steal ideas, because you are just too busy trying to get through your queue! but maybe less so on the smaller sites... dunno
--- Конец цитаты ---

Some on a smaller site like LO, on a day I dedicate to reviewing, I do easily 1000+ images, no time to "steal", also don't forget their is always some form of supervision of the reviewer! SY


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