Автор Тема: Do you have images keyworded "canadian" and "coin" on SS?  (Прочитано 6523 раз)

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Do you have images keyworded "canadian" and "coin" on SS?
« : Ноября 29, 2007, 09:36:55 pm »
Apparently SS is deleting all such images because they MAY be affected by a copyright problem regarding the Queens face. But it seems that SS just deletes images that are keyworded "canadian" and "coin" without looking if they show/ have visible the Queens face. Means images that are perfectly ok. I am not affected, but I think you should know, SY

Оффлайн khz

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Re: Do you have images keyworded "canadian" and "coin" on SS?
« Ответ #1 : Ноября 30, 2007, 12:43:15 am »
hi Sybille,
are they deleting all images including either `coin` or `canadian`
or are they deleting all images that have both of these keywords?


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Re: Do you have images keyworded "canadian" and "coin" on SS?
« Ответ #2 : Ноября 30, 2007, 02:43:17 am »
Only the ones that have both! But aparently without looking at the actual images, seems they simply run a server query, SY
« Последнее редактирование: Января 07, 2008, 02:08:37 am от Sybille Yates (hospitalera) »