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Which creature or human shares your life?

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Sybille Yates, no no no -- i think it would be too offtopical even for off topic brunch )

A pity, I am sure between all of us we would have found a wonderful name for the cutie! SY

I share my house with two cats...they came with my girlfriend. I am more of a dog person but my girlfriend wont let me get a dog with two cats around the house. I have offered to put one of them down (I will let her choose) but she wont have any of it!

I have a cat - 3 yrs old

and a bunch of fishies :)

and a husband


--- Цитата: nicemonkey от Февраля 07, 2008, 11:08:42 pm ---I share my house with two cats...they came with my girlfriend. I am more of a dog person but my girlfriend wont let me get a dog with two cats around the house. I have offered to put one of them down (I will let her choose) but she wont have any of it!

--- Конец цитаты ---

CruelMonkey rofl, SY


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