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What do you have a personal web site for?

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No web site with your photography then? Or illustrations? SY

Photos for those teams and events are biggest part of it but my rules are I never open them for public (unless I have a release). I believe in right for privacy a little bit.

SY, if you want to see it  - here. But most of it hidden.

To be frank I feel  a little bit uncomfortable showing my work here, among professionals, because as I said already I'm an amateur. But nobody forced me to open my mouth.... I was bored housewife a couple of years ago when I got relatively good camera. I'm in since when. Even though I believe I made pretty good progress, my skills are still limited and I can brag at the christmas party in my neighborhood but not here.  :)  Photography is just a hobby for me that pays for itself.

Talya, I don't think you should call yourself an amateur anymore, not with images like this SY

Mine is not really a personal site - this is the site devoted to the city where I live - the capital of Azerbaijan - Baku . Purely photos of the city, nothing else.

SY, I knew you would say something encouraging. Thanks.


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