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--- Цитата: Sybille Yates (hospitalera) от Января 15, 2008, 10:55:47 pm ---Any updates on the average review time at SXP? SY

--- Конец цитаты ---
2-3 days last week. Batch from Saturday is still pending

To me everything works great on SXP. Review times of vectors are like bullets, images a little slower but almost always looked at in one or two days.

p.s.: But it is true that in December some batches were in the queue a couple of weeks. Not anymore.
p.p.s.: And I agree with Dolgachov. I've been in microstock only two months (overall) and SXP seems to grow each and every day. There are days that my sales there even surpass Shutterstock.

Sybille, don't know if this helps, but I have very good sales on SXP with my "digitally modified" paysage backgrounds. You know them.

So I don't know it is related to fractals whatsoever, but SXP definitely likes photo manipulations (its buyers) and it could be that this applies to abstracts as well.

5 days and still pending...

8 days...

is there like one reviewer or what?!


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