forum > General discussion

stockxpert (international)

<< < (4/14) > >>

oh, believe me, the problem is reviewing time now, notch-notch is what they always do perfect. i get something "notch-notched' there every other day. sometimes even bare shoulder gets "NO, NO, NO SEX PLEASE!!!" ;]

still i love SX, it gained a lot in 2007. i would say SX gained more than any other competitor in 2007.

Hi guys,

As I'm sure you're aware, we are still experiencing delays with your reviews, and we truly apologize for this. To get through the backlog of images and return to the fast review times, we will be suspending new uploads for 1 week starting Wednesday, December 12th at 5pm ET. We will resume uploads on December 19th, 2007 at 5 pm ET.

You will still be able to upload and attach model and property releases.

If you have any questions in the meantime, just post them here.

Thank you so much for your patience and continued support!

-Steve (and the rest of the SXP team).

thanks for letting us know, Steve!

Thank you for information!

Thanks for the info stevoh.
Question: Would you hire me as an Inspector? I need a job.



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