forum > General discussion
bigstock (international)
They were my first payout (which their threshold is very low) but it was my first and sales continue to come. I like them.
i've just this one rejected on bigstock, beleve me or not:
Reason: Poor composition or cropped subject - many times NOT cropping subject makes photo more useable generally :-) thanks
what makes me happy in this reason is a smile. like this non-professional novice rejector really feels he said or made something funny.
anybody here knows an address on BigStock where i should write a complain about this smart smiling guy?
Мне кажется, это смайлик у них в стандартном ответе забит.
--- Цитата: Talya от Декабря 18, 2007, 06:01:29 pm ---Мне кажется, это смайлик у них в стандартном ответе забит.
--- Конец цитаты ---
Ehm, what do you mean? SY
Ops.... Sorry, I replied in Russian.
I think this smile is a part of standard comment. Nothing personal.
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