forum > General discussion

lucky oliver (international)

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Thanks Sybille,
I just blasted off an email.  With the way things have been working for me with my submissions there lately, no doubt they are lost and I have to resubmit them again lol I think someone is playing games with me  ;D

I don't think they are lost, I think they are stuck between reviewed and review processed ;-) SY

haha yup, just got the reply:

It looks like the submission was actually reviewed on the 13th, but it's
still in processing mode.  I'm forwarding the submission on to our tech
team so it can get pushed through for you and you should see the review

I could have swore that I had 27 in there, and 1 had gone through, or the beer had been playing tricks on me again  ::)

I am not sure if I am the only one but I seem to have got caught in a loop. On Lucky Oliver under the "Browse" heading you can see where you appear in the amount of images you have online. For the last 3 months I have been in a unofficial (I haven't told the other people) struggle to keep on the first page.

I am currently 2nd bottom but just when I seem to be making a gap, somebody uploads a large batch and I get dumped back down onto the 2nd page. I am sure where you appear in the list makes no difference to your sales but still I check where I am after I get a batch sad am I!

hmmm things overloaded Sybille?  I still haven't seen any change in the status, and sent support another email a few days ago with no response.


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